The Quest of the Sparrows Reviews & Media Coverage

Review as it appeared in The Hindu To read the full review, <Click here>


Interview with The Bengal Post, April 18, 2012

Taking a flight of faith


On a mythical plane to self-realization: The Bengal Post
Sunday, April 29, 2012, page 21

Source: The Bengal Post


Mountain Magic at Ladakh: Interview with The Bengal Post
April 28, Saturday, 2012
Searching for the Sparrows within us! Review by Mohd Ujaley

Interview at Rediff

To read the interview <Click here>


Review in Businessworld

To read the interview <Click here>


Review as it appeared in The Free Press Journal


Review by Sakshi Nagpal

To read the review, <Click Here>


Review as it appeared in Youth Express


Interview as it appeared in Aaram Shop:


Interview with Zee News:


As appeared in Sahara Times

As appeared in The Hindu

The Hindu : FEATURES / METRO PLUS : printpick


As appeared in the Sunday Pioneer


As appeared in Youth Express

When I picked up The Quest of the Sparrows, I had been attracted by the description on its back cover. It addresses the questions that each one of us has pondered upon, at some point in our lives. Rarely do  books manage to address these questions without coming across as too preachy. However, this book not only stays clear of preaching but is fast paced with lots of action. Writers have answered these questions in unique yet very convincing manner. I am glad to say that the decision to buy this book was a good one. And as the layers of this book unraveled before me, I could see a lot of what I had been thinking about addressed here.


Source: Rupa Facebook Page