
Let the light come into your life!

A sparrow trusts the divine and never complains of the rice it didn’t get but the wheat grain it had …

Some parts of North India experiencing a cold wave in June!

There is a cold wave blowing in North India. Yes, in the middle of June. The temperature has dipped to …

I hated my father

How I hated him for everything. His inability to earn enough money for us. His laid back life. His preference …

5 Stray Dogs, 1 Dilemma & Life’s Learnings

We are a big joint family. My parents, my younger brother’s family and mine, we all live together. We have …


When she first uttered those words, he never imagined she meant them literally. At that time so much was happening …


Yesterday I saw a huge ant. It looked menacing and I didn’t know what to do. It was near my …

5 Bread Slices and Aloo Gobhi

He was a newbie to our office. He brought 5 slices of brown bread and Aloo Gobhi to office everyday …

Warning: Don’t let yourself be Hijacked

We are constantly being hijacked from that space we need exclusively to ourselves. Where we connect with our inner being …

Why do Authors need a Website & the Making of Ours

For years I have debated this question. I did have the money to create my website four years ago but …

Welcome to my website

Thank you for visiting my website …